Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chestit 8 Mart!

So, happy March 8th! For those of you who don't know, March 8th is International Women's Day. It's celebrated differently in every country and not at all in some *clears throat* (America.) Here in Grohotno this is quite a big deal. It seems to me that it is a sort of blend of Mother's Day and Valentines Day. Children give gifts to their mothers and boyfriends give gifts to their get the idea. In honor of this holiday our cultural center put on a concert. We invited the kindergarten and elementary school to help us out. The kindergarten put on a short little program with songs and poems, and the school graced us with traditional songs accompanied by the accordian. Our own cultural center's dance groups also performed. Below are some pics...enjoy!

This is our auditorium connected to the cultural was a full house of about 250-300!

3 of my favorite girls and members of the dance team...they are wearing traditional Rhodopian dance costumes.

This is me in traditional garb as well....I may or may not have performed with the group :)

Another of my absolute favorites! She dances with the younger group and she, too is wearing traditional Western Rhodopian dress.

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