Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bday's in Plovdiv

There comes a time in every volunteers life when they just need to break away and have a relaxing, fun filled weekend. This entry, in part is about one of those. I want to start off by telling you about my amazing friend who's birthday we were celebrating on said weekend. Sarah is my neighbor, as much as you can be one here, and one of my best friends. Her village is a lot like mine as far as culture, language, and geography goes, and I can say first hand that it is hard at first to integrate. This girl has done the most amazing job of becoming part of her community and inspiring them to start programs and begin projects that would have taken me months if not years to start. I'm lucky to have such an enthusiastic example of strenght right next door! So anyway, for her birthday she decided to invite a few of us to Plovdiv to do a bit of celebrating. Now, I've been here a while and have been to Plovdiv more times than I can count. But, my visits there always entailed hopping from one bus to another, or running down the street like mad to catch a train. This time, we didn't have to rush...it was a relaxing weekend full of site seeing and shoe shopping.

James, John, Sarah and Noelle in front of the Museum in Plovdiv

Life and Art

Sarah, Noelle and I @ a restaurant before heading out to dance the night away

Sarah and I

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