Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Have yourself a Merry Little Bairaim

Happy Bairam!! December 8th was the second Bairam of the year...Courbon Bairam. Not the fun sugary one with the sweets, but the one where baby lambs are slain in my backyard and their cooked body parts are served to my neighbors. Mmm. Ok, so the actual cooking process is kind of interesting, but I digress. We also had a program through our Cultural Center to celebrate a great holiday and to show off our new costumes we acquired through the SPA grant. Below are some pictures of the traditional dancers and of the wonderful ballerinas that performed...I wonder where they were from?! :)

The kids dancing on stage

A couple of my ballerina's showcasing the skirts we made!

The older group in the new costumes we got through the SPA project

The director of our school playing a traditional instrument for the concert

My ballerinas in their traditional horo costumes

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